Soul Trak Event Details
What: A campus and park cleanup with the Howard University South Carolina Club and Soul Trak Outdoors’ Campus Ambassadors
Date: Saturday, March 19
Time: 10:00am-12:00pm
Location: The Yard at Howard University
9:45-10:00am - Meet on the Yard
10:15-10:30am - Break into groups and cover designated parts of campus and surround areas
10:30-12:00pm - Cleaning goes on
12:00pm - Meet up on the yard to thank all participants and take photos
Areas to Cover:
Banneker Park
Includes the entire park and stairs, 9th Street, and tennis parks
The Yard
Includes the entire Yard and areas surrounding Blackburn, Fine Arts building, Locke Hall, Douglass and Carnegie
Greene Stadium
Includes the entire football field, streets located beside Cook Hall, and Cramton
HSL Park
Includes all of the park and areas in front of CHS
The Valley
Includes the entire Valley and all stairs, and 4th Street in front of The Quad
Burr Gymnasium
Includes Drew Hall, parking lot, and Gresham
Georgia Ave
Includes McDonald’s parking lot and street up to the main Howard entrance/sign